Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cyprus Aristocrats Number One!

I got up about 12.. I had nothing to do, so I watched tv. I couldn't understand what I was looking at; I was just watching the moving images. Then I was walking around the house to kill time. Then I went at Yi's house. I went to check if she was ok or needed something. Then we had sex. Then watched tv. I couldn’t understand anything because it was in her language (Chinese). Then I told her I'd see her later and I left. Then I went as Acropolis park and I found my friend Kolios (to those that need reminding, he is the friend I support). We played basketball with Nikos, Kolios and one guy that I don't know his name. My team lost (me and the other guy that I still don't know his name). Probably the reason we lost is that I didn't know his name. Then we went for an ice tea (since we are talking about ice tea, I want to emphasize that when you say "ice tea" in Acropolis cafe, they get you ice tea. And lately some PATRONIES franchises came from abroad and when you say "ice tea" they get you some pee with ice that the only difference from the real pee with ice, is that they first put it in the fridge and then they give it to you. So NO MORE! WAKE UP PEOPLE! PSOMI PAIDEIA ELEUTHERIA! irrelevant, but we had to say something). Then I came home, sweaty, smelly from basketball, I sat on the couch and told my folks I was going to have a shower and I got into it after one hour and about after 200 times my mom told me that I smelt like shit. My friend Orestis called me and told me to play ping pong. So I accepted and went to his place. The first thing I saw outside his door was two hungry cats. I got inside and hummed the Rocky tune, signifying that I was ready for battle (to those that don't remember, get the movie and watch it before Stalone dies and the movie becomes collectible). Orestis asked me what I wanted to drink; I told him "I don't know" and he suggested to me some Chilean wine. Then he poured the wine and then he opened a cupboard and got out some cat food. He proceeded towards the two hungry cats and (actually, my opinion is that he demonstrated a new technique) he got some cat food with his both hands and put it down on different spots at the same time. The cats thrust at the same time, one on each spot. Then we pulled out the ping pong table, we opened it at the specially quartered space Orestis has (his old man's parking space) and we played ping pong. After 40 minutes we folded it and put it back. And right now I am here and I am writing to you these things.......... Actually, Orestis is typing for me (yes, I am) my first post. The night is not over yet, but most probably (now I will improvise), I guess I ll go home later and I will masturbate, or I will sleep (before I sleep I go to the toilet for a pee). And that's a normal day of my weekend. To those that are reading this post (IF anyone ever reads it hopefully I am not writing these things for my ass), as you can see, I am a normal human being that eats, sleeps, farts, shits, hates his job (like most people - actually the few things I like about my job are when I finish and go home, when I get paid and when I am on leave... so as you can see, I love my job). And closing (because it's fashionable to pass a universal message), I want to say especially to Bush (to all that don't know who is Bush, he is an ass-donkey that lives in a white house in Washington) to get laid more often, so poor people are not tortured by his shit. Make love, not war. But because we are in the 21 century, we say "get laid, no Bush!". And that's all folks!