Saturday, March 10, 2012

We have been depleted by masturbations (Εφαν μας οι Μουτσιές)

Hello, my faithful readers! Nokos Nokou is back! Renewed and refreshed, With lot's of lot's of farting news. Today is Saturday 10 March 2012 and according with the calendar of Maya, it's the end of the world. They had lot of free time in their hands and they were writing bullshit. Κι όμως είμαι ακόμα εδώ, κι αυτό το καλοκαίρι.

Today I woke up at 8am to go to the university, at 9am was the class, but, I opened my eyes at 9am, ekoproshilliaza (I was a lazy dog) for one hour in bed, so I went at class at 10am. The teacher was breaking our balls for 2 hours, and in the end I got bored and I left during the break.

I went to the mall with Demis (he is my "lucky" friend - when he is with me, all goes "well" hahahaha in fact, every time I go out with him I am lucky if I am still alive in the end!). Friday's had an offer, 9.99 Euro and we decided to eat there and in the end it was proven that it was just a bullshit: chicken was like rubber, and we had to change four seating places (Gademis "Demis", was grumpy, hurting his back, and at the same time he was hurting my balls). Final result was: instead of planning going to Friday's, go buy a glass bottle of Coca-cola (or any other soft drink you like), fart inside and smell it. Friday's was bullshit.

Then we went to Carrefour (super market), during the time there Demis was breaking my balls, that "he wants to fuck", "he wants to fuck", and in the end he revealed that his relationship with his (future) girlfriend goes too slowly (he said she has nice tits and wants to fuck her - but my other friends that they saw her, they told me that she looks like a ghost of the Louvre (στοισιόν του Λούβρου))! He told me he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went to Ms. Soulla ("massage" place), Soulla told him "we are a serious massage place and we don't do "detonations" ("εκτόνωση"), but because you are a client since years, we will do it for you!". In the end, a Chinese girl came (that he told me she was stinking) that she was masturbating him, but because she was smelling, he couldn't come! In the end she told him to do a blow job to him and (IN THE END), when he came ("liquid explosion"), he attempted to give her 10 euro. But she told him "it's 20 euro, for using mouth"! And he became angry like fire, and he gave her only 10, and left.

My friend Demis, at the state he is in now, he can even fuck a plastic pot ("mastrappa").

Because I love my lucky friend, I wish him to get what he desires. At his wedding, his present will be a clean underwear. Basically, my friend Demis inspired me to create a patent for those men that they come in their underwear, to have a special shaft to take the cum outside.

I like the "cigar" biscuits of Papadopoulou.

I went to Komanetsi sporting center, I got exercised, swam 10 minutes and my dick became dead tired. I like Komanetsi because I see a lot of black-eyed pussy there.

And then I came to my friend Orestis and he was very happy, because all day.... he even fucked the sofas! I am very happy for my friend, because he knows how to live his life with quality.

I wish my Joker lottery to win and tell my boss at job "fuck your momma's pussy - I quit!" ("το σιήστο που σε φκαλε, παραιτούμαι"). But because I am also a good man, I would want to do a benevolent thing at my job, meaning, to pay a zingolo (male prostitute) to fuck the unfucked "gerontokori" sitting next to me, that she made my balls as if they are bells (έκαμεν τα αρχίδια μου καμπανέλλες). Also, the zingolo will receive extra bonus if he manages to make her piss from the horniness, and if he manages to stick a 25cm dildo in her ass - all inside! Oullon mesa!

Also, I wish for APOEL to give some money to our government that is currently in financial crisis. Since the government can't generate money, and the EU can't give us, at least FIFA can give to us. The new slogan is "FIFA supporting the Cyprus economy"!

I wish my friend Orestis to spend his time nicely and to keep writing that shit I am narrating at him.

I like sex, but where is it? I like beer, but where is it? I like travels, but where are they? Alla pou nta? E gamo to shisto mou, epian mas i pounta!

The tip of the day: If someone makes you angry and he is a colleague, a way to take revenge on him is to drink cold milk in the morning and fart at him for the whole day during job.

May the Enlargement of Noko Nokou be always with you!

OK, that's all.

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